This page gathers a representative selection of online syllabi and sites for courses taught by Danny Snelson at UCLA from 2017 to the present.
For a short recorded demo of some of the expanded uses of platforms in these courses, see “Breaking the Zoom Barrier: XR Experiments in Pedagogy & Production“ and “XR for Poetics & Play: A Pedagogical Inventory” as part of the UCLA X-Reality Initiative.
For a description of publishing in the classroom, see my essay “Grey Libraries: Publishing as Pedagogy, an Annotated Bibliography” as part of the forthcoming collection Library of Artistic Print on Demand: Post- Digital Publishing in Times of Platform Capitalism, ed. Andreas Bülhoff and Annette Gilbert (Spector Books, 2024).
For recent coverage of these courses, see a UCLA Newsroom feature on my “Algo-Lit” course, as well as a recent conversation with Jacob Foster, a public feature in, and student-led coverage on a range of courses in the Daily Bruin and FEM Magazine.
— DSS, 2024